Have you tried Trusty Rusty…yet?

I like red coleus plants the best. Red is my favorite color. While looking through a garden center in New Jersey (Brock’s on Route 1) I came across these Trusty Rusty coleus plants.

Trusty Rusty Coleus

Mainly red with a yellow/green border these coleus plants will be great. They will grow to be about 18″-24″ tall and 16″-24″ wide. The tag says they should be in partial shade and will be fine from sprint to first frost.

Be careful when it gets hot, coleus can dry out quickly. Once watered they usually make a dramatic recovery.

Enjoy your coleus!

Don’t sneeze near coleus seeds!

Be very careful. Try not to sneeze near an open pack of coleus seeds. Coleus seeds are extremely tiny. They can blow away in a second. They are also difficult to find once you put them on soil. However, some seeds are available that are pelleted. Much easier to work with. I’ve got my eye on Chocolate Covered Cherry available at Burpee.